In 2005 Dr. John Freeland ushered in to West Virginia the first and only archery wingshooting competition. The state tournament was organized in conjunction with the Appalachain Traditional Archery Rendezvous. With the help of the HITCHIKER TARGET LAUNCHER a new competitive archery tournament has be born. Alot of archers have tried aerial targets thrown straight up , but the HITCHIKER targets are thrown in such a way as to simulate game birds in flight. By the end of the tournament, many archers that had never wingshot before had developed into competent wingshooters. ATAR 2006 will once again be the venue for this exciting new event.The W.V. State Wingshooting Championship promises to be an exciting time for archers and spectators alike. Awards and prize money for the top 3 shooters in this event.
For more information about archery wingshooting,wingshooting competitions or the HITCHIKER TARGET LANCHER visit the link below: